University of Virginia Library


The President announced the following gifts and grants:



From Mrs. Helen G. Mott, to the hospital to be added to the Mott Cancer Fund  $ 500 
From Mrs. J. C. Metcalf, to be added to the Metcalf Memorial Fund  200 
From an anonymous donor, to be added to the fund for the publication of the James
Madison Papers, securities valued at 
From Mr. Linton Massey, to Alderman Library, William Faulkner collection of books and
manuscripts, valued at 
From Mr. A. del Costillo, to the hospital to be added to the Margaret F. Boggess
Fund, securities valued at 
From an anonymous donor, to establish an endowment fund for the James Southall Wilson
Fellowship, securities valued at 
From Mr. John M. Watkins, Jr., an unrestricted gift to the Department of Physics  4,000 
From Mr. Walter B. Ryan, to Alderman Library, 1,176 volumes valued at  1,073 
From Mr. Herbert R. Strauss, to Alderman Library, two original cartoons valued at  275 
From Mr. B. Y. Morrison, to be added to the Orland E. White Arboretum Fund  100 
From Lorena G. Robertson, to be added to the Harrison M. Robertson Fund  100 
From University Hospital Auxiliary, Nurses' Scholarship Fund $500; Indigent Drug Fund $250;
Miscellaneous Equipment $2,000 
From Babcock & Wilcox Company, to the Engineering School  500 
From A. H. Robbins, Inc., to be added to the Dermatology Research Fund  1,500 
From Mona Bronfman Sheckman Foundation, to the Medical School to be added to the
D. C. Wilson Society Lecture Fund 
From United Cerebral Palsy of Virginia, Inc., to the Children's Rehabilitation
Center in support of the Cerebral Palsy Clinic 
From the Charlottesville and Albemarle Cerebral Palsy Association, to the Children's
Rehabilitation Center in support of the Cerebral Palsy Clinic 
From Eli Lilly and Company, for research under the direction of Dr. C. M. Kunin,
Department of Preventive Medicine 
From Norfolk Foundation, for scholarships in the School of Medicine  13,100 
From Shell Companies Foundation, to establish a Shell Fellowship in Chemistry, for the
academic year 1960-1961 
From National Association of Mental Health, for research in Neurology and Psychiatry
under the direction of Dr. Ian Stevenson 
From Lillie P. and John W. Taylor Fund, to the hospital to be added to the Taylor
Cancer Research Fund 
From Resources for the Future, Inc., for research under the direction of Prof. G. R.
Hall, Department of Economics 
From Eli Lilly and Company, for research under the direction of Dr. J. A. Owen,
School of Medicine 
From Union Carbide Company, for fellowships in the School of Engineering  2,394 
From University League, for scholarships in the Department of Speech and Drama  1,600 
From Department of the Army, for continued research under the direction of Dr. A. E.
Feller, School of Medicine 
From Department of the Army, for continued research under the direction of Dr.
A. Chanutin, School of Medicine 
From Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories, for continued research under the direction of
Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau, Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences 
From Philadelphia Army Ordnance, for research under the direction of Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau,
Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences 
From Princeton University, for continued research under the direction of Dr. A. R.
Kuhlthau, Research Laboratories for the Engineering Sciences 
From Department of the Navy, for research under the direction of the following
members of the faculty 
Drs. J. M. Kister and L. N. Mann  17,940 
Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau  55,000 
Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau  47,187 
Dr. W. R. Sandusky  8,488 
From Department of the Navy, for the purchase of equipment for research in the
Departments of Physics and Chemistry 
From U. S. Public Health Service, a fellowship supply grant to the Department of
Internal Medicine 
From U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction of Dr. S. P.
Maroney, Department of Biology 
From U. S. Public Health Service, for research under the direction of Dr. K. R.
Crispell, School of Medicine 
From U. S. Office of Education, in support of a Counseling and Guidance Training
Institute under the direction of Dr. R. L. Beard, School of Education 
From National Science Foundation, for research under the direction of the following
members of the faculty 
Dr. H. H. Hobbs, Jr.  18,000 
Dr. J. D. Deck  17,500 
Dr. O. R. Rodig  9,600 
Dr. Stephan Berko  14,945